
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Julia Ward Howe: More than the Battle Hymn :: Poet Julia Ward Howe Papers

Julia guard Howe More than the Battle HymnMine Eyes have seen the access of the Glory of the Lord. Almost effortlessly the rest of the familiar dividing line comes rolling take out the tongue. The battle Hymn of the Republic, a traditional and potent patriotic hymn, will undoubtedly remain that way for years to come. even so is the average American able to place a face with that product line? Julia Ward Howe was the bright mind behind the Battle Hymn, but she did non stop there. Howes life and poetry succeeded in meshing contrasting religions and beliefs, as well as streng indeed and challenge the freedoms of wo workforce during her time.In New York City, in the year 1819, Julia Ward was born into a strict Episcopalian Calvinistic Family. Loosing her mother at a young age, Julia was raised by her beginner and an aunt. Not long after her mothers death Julias father, a successful banker in the city, passed away, leaving Julia in the sole custody of her uncle. During her chil dhood she had been brought up accept in the strict and conservative views of Calvinism. Julias mind was filled with the ideas and principles behind predetermination and ramus logic, always encouraged to look for the hand of God first and then base everything else in society off of the premises she was taught (30). After the death of her father, Julia began searching for deeper meaning. She went through an intense period of revival as she be church and became more and more involved with religious activities in the city. She briefly began to notice, however, that men dominated this new conviction. Men wrote the sermons, men published the books, and men told her what she needed to do to become closer to God. Soon Julias strict Calvinist kick would end (48). Prompted by Mary Ward, Julia took a winter off from any outside influences to get her thoughts in order. After this time she began to pick out and research Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emersons introduction into Transcendentalism offere d Julia the heraldic bearing of God without the dominating antheral authority. Transcendentalism theory stressed the immanence of God and his active presence in everyones life. She agreed with the idea that the bible was not meant to be interpreted literally, but that ones own intuition could lead to an understanding of God. These new and organic views for her time, coupled with her Calvinist upbringing, seems like it would be the recipe for disaster.

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