
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Glory Days, When Horsepower and Passion Ruled Detroit :: essays research papers

Glory Days, When horsepower and Passion Ruled DetroitThe book Glory Days, When Horsepower and Passion Ruled Detroit by Jim Wangers is a comprehensive look at Pontiac Motor Division in its heyday through the eyes of its drumhead advertiser. The rise and fall of the pop culture fad of muscle simple machines at Pontiac and its fall during the early 1970s is explained in this book from a while who played a large part in Pontiacs success. in that respect are many candid stories and little known facts presented by the antecedent to precisely let the reader understand the thoughts of Pontiac and how it accomplished its goal of marketing overly fast cars to our nations youth. Glory Days, When Horsepower and Passion ruled Detroit is an evoke and enjoyable guide to Pontiacs heyday through the authors personal experiences and explanations about Pontiac muscle cars. Many of Jim Wangers personal experiences were very captivating and made the book very tough to put down. One of his most( prenominal) appealing experiences was when he personally became a Pontiac sponsored race driver. Wangers told the legend of how he won the 1960 NHRA Championship and how he narrowly lost by merely tenths of a second in the final race. He explained through shiny details on how he raced to sell the cars he was promoting through his advertising. He coined the phrase, Win on Sunday, Sell on Monday. Jim explains another tantalizing story about how he and John Delorean created the first muscle car.John Delorean and Jim Wangers would oftentimes adjudicate Pontiacs new cars out at Pontiacs test track in upper Michigan. They both figured out the inclination of putting this larger engine in this small Lemans. When this happened the muscle car era was born. This was the first account of a factory putting a large engine in a small car. Wangers then explained that he and Delorean had changed American pop culture forever with their muscle car. His account on how this was done and how Americ a was changed with this simple idea was simply amazing. Wangers also pulls in readers with his history of the cars that Pontiac made.The most influential car Pontiac made was the GTO. He told the fib of how this mid-size car changed the auto industry and shaped a whole coevals of children in the 1960s. The tale on how this was accomplished by Wangers was told with clever slope stories about promotional contests and cunning advertising the enraged the U.

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